DiscoverX22 Report[DS] Cyber Attacks & White Supremist Threat Narrative, Trump Sends Election Message- Ep. 3447
[DS] Cyber Attacks & White Supremist Threat Narrative, Trump Sends Election Message- Ep. 3447

[DS] Cyber Attacks & White Supremist Threat Narrative, Trump Sends Election Message- Ep. 3447

Update: 2024-09-101


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<figure id="attachment_23236" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-23236" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignleft">[DS] Cyber Attacks & White Supremist Threat Narrative, Trump Sends Election Message<figcaption id="caption-attachment-23236" class="wp-caption-text">Click On Picture To See Larger Picture</figcaption></figure>China’s real estate stocks are crashing and they are below 2008 levels. Gavin Newsom panics, oil companies are leaving and he wants to stockpile oil.Yellen says don’t worry its going to be a soft landing. The opposite is going to happen. The data is fake, the recession/depression is real. The [DS] is ready to push [KH] into the debate arena, they have trained just enough to get by and the fake news will pump it up to make it sound like she did a great job. The [DS] meanwhile is now preparing the cyber attack and the white supremist threat narrative. Trump sends another election message, countermeasures are in place.


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Gov. Gavin Newsom Wants Mandate For Oil Companies To Create Stockpile Of Gasoline 

  • Chevron had been headquartered in California for over 140 years, giving it strong roots in this state. However, the toxic policies of California’s lawmakers and regulators have killed those roots.

  • The fossil fuel giant will relocate to Texas.

  • Sacramento sees gasoline firms and petroleum refineries as cash cows that will always agree to be milked despite being made into a climate villain and accused of corporate greed.

  • So, to resolve the state’s serious energy challenges, California Gov. Gavin Newsom called for a special session Saturday after the Assembly rebuffed his efforts to pass an energy package before a critical deadline passed.

  • Newsom’s plan mandates that the state’s oil companies create gasoline stockpiles.

California Governor Gavin Newsom plans to propose legislation requiring oil companies in the most-populous US state to amass stockpiles of gasoline and other fuels to prevent supply shortages and price spikes during refinery outages.


  • Newsom’s proposals will likely do nothing more than drive the closure of even more refineries and firms that support the fossil fuel industry. That may be his objective, but unless a lot more of those Generation IV nuclear reactors start appearing or lithium battery fires stop erupting, it is going to be increasingly difficult to sustain the California lifestyle that Democrats from this state tout.

  • The petroleum industry has pushed back, saying the mandate would hurt consumers.

  • The Western States Petroleum Association said the bill would punish refiners into withholding supplies and hurting consumers. Source:

Yellen Says US Economy Remains Solid, Predicts No ‘Meaningful Layoffs’

  • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen predicts that the U.S. economy will likely remain solid amid several weaker-than-expected jobs reports and after the stock market posted its worst week in months.

  • “We’re seeing less frenzy in terms of hiring and job openings, but we’re not seeing meaningful layoffs,” Yellen said during an event on Sept. 7, CNBC reported. “I’m attentive to downside risk now on the employment side, but what I think we’re seeing, and hope we will continue to see, is a good, solid economy.”

  • The secretary said that the decline in job growth was caused by a slowdown after a “hiring frenzy” following the COVID-19 pandemic, adding that the overall economy is “deep into a recovery” and “operating at full employment.”


  •   its second-lowest level since the 2008 Financial Crisis. This means most of the labor market data has surprised downward by a wide margin. Recent misses include non-farm payroll numbers, job openings, ADP employment, and ISM Services Employment. What is happening with the job market?

  •   interest expenses will decline from $3 billion per day to $2.5 billion per day.” Rate cuts incoming

  •   demand is at 30+ year lows like prices are crashing

  • 6. Crypto is nearing a bear market like risk appetite is gone This is the result of $4 trillion in stimulus and “free” money.


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The BidenHarris government appears to be dragging its feet in complying with a court order issued by a judge with the United States District Court for the District of Maryland earlier this month, which could result in a ban on all oil drilling activity in the Gulf of Mexico. Currently, drilling the Gulf accounts for approximately 15 percent of all U.S. oil production.

At the center of the potentially disastrous halting of Gulf oil projects is a convoluted intersection of issues involving the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and a biological assessment for the region that began in the final days of the <a class="darklup--link" href

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[DS] Cyber Attacks & White Supremist Threat Narrative, Trump Sends Election Message- Ep. 3447

[DS] Cyber Attacks & White Supremist Threat Narrative, Trump Sends Election Message- Ep. 3447

X22 Report